Friday, October 12, 2012

A Perfect Day

  A perfect day can be different for different people. For some a perfect day might be sleeping past morning hours, and relaxing for the rest of the day.  For others it might be getting up early and finishing off all the pending work.  Either way, it is personal perception of being happy.   That what makes one feel happy makes it perfect.  In other words, having all the elements in the day desired by you makes it perfect for you.  If you ask a kid to draw a picture of a perfect day, he or she will most probably include a bright Sun, a beautiful green tree, or a flowing blue river or blue pond with few ducks and maybe a boat.  But, it that a perfect day for everybody?  I wonder what is the criteria for the perfect day that includes all living souls.
   Every minute when one person is happy, one might be sad. When one is born, one dies.  When one smiles, one cries. While one succeeds, the other fails.   One person gains and one loses. One builds and one destroys.  So, is it possible to have a perfect day when everything is perfect for everybody!
   Well, as far as I am concerned, each day is a perfect day. Even a "bad day" is a perfect day. If I didn't fail I wouldn't know the value of success.  If I weren't bruised I wouldn't be able to know the true happiness.  If I wouldn't get angry I wouldn't be able to know the inner calm.  If I weren't hurt I wouldn't be able to feel the love.  Each day is a new day and a perfect day!


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