As my son came back from his second day of school today, I was curious to know if he liked his new friends, new teacher and what happened during the day. He ignored me all the way home and when he stepped inside the house he opened his shoes, flung it right across the room. Silently, walked up to the living room, grabbed the remote and switched it on. I decided not to ask more questions. I opened his school backpack to take out his lunch box, water bottle and the homework folder that also has a behavior sheet (the teacher marks green if the kid was good the whole day or red if the kid refuses to listen to the teacher). I opened his lunch box. Everything was intact. Just the way I had packed. There was his untouched sandwich, veggies still half filled in a small container, unpeeled banana. The only thing that was missing was the chocolate chip cookies. As I sighed, I asked my lil' one, "do you want to eat something ?" There was no response. His eyes were glued to the television set and was just lost in his fantasy world with the cartoons. I checked his water bottle. The water was still till the brim. I questioned again," why didn't you drink water?" This time, he turned his head away from the television and looked at me and answered, "I drank the water from the fountain." Now that I had his attention, I questioned, "Why didn't you eat your lunch?" his focus return to the cartoon. No answer. He was clearly testing my patience. Trying to maintain my calm I open his folder and there was no homework. Then I take out the behavior sheet. Tuesday's behavior pyramid looked colorful with a red butterfly stamp! I asked my boy, what happened in class today? Did you trouble the teacher? Didn't you listen to the teacher? Calmly, he looked at me and said, Well, don't you see, I wanted the butterfly stamp. I like red butterfly more than the green smiley face! His stare went back to the TV. My brain froze and I was left speechless. Believe me boys are boys...Sigh...sigh...sigh...
(image from google )