Sunday, August 19, 2012

Technology and future

                               Technology and future

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.  ~Richard P. Feynman

 Today as I see my 5 yr old sliding his index finger to go to a new page, I recall the days when only the printed pages of the book were the source of learning for a young mind.  Sometimes, I am worried...other times I am thankful for the abundance of resources available in this mess free techno world.  Most of the times, I am curious to know what the future holds for these little souls.  Will the technology effect the development of their mind?  How will they interact with their peers and express their feelings and emotions?  How many real life friends will they have?  No, not the virtual ones, but real flesh and blood ones, sitting on the couch next to each other, and sharing their views...I wonder, if the conversations will turn into just like and dislike buttons.  Can the next generation talk, joke, laugh, cry without the help of emoticons?  
  As I browse the youtube, I find videos of little babies trying to slide their tiny little fingers on the pictures of a magazine.  Yes, it is funny.  Funny because we have seen the age of print!!  What will happen to those tiny tots when they grown up?  I always thought that holding a pencil or a crayon helps in developing the fine motor skills of the tots.  Feeling the different textures made their mind more able and aware.  Coloring on a blank sheet made them dream and create their own fantasy world.  As a result develop the creative side of their brain.  Is this world compromising with its future by inventing and creating a robot like world?
   I fear I will see a day in my lifetime when everyone will become so still, so heartless, so business like that even God will doubt his judgement of making this intelligent creature called human beings.



  1. Well,at the rate at which kids are taking to I pads and other stuff(laptops computers are now passe I believe),not hard to imagine that we will need to preserve books in order to show them the real 3D version of turning a page!!!

    1. And I think this we will probably see the last of the "real" creative generation of human beings..already half of our lives are so mechanised, we would not dream of living any other way!

    2. I totally started saving my old books...just in case... ;)
