Sunday, September 2, 2012

X - Men


      As I was watching X - Men, I started to wonder, what if the mutants are there among us. Few homo sapiens do posses powers that is beyond human understanding. At least some people claim to have an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses like Psychics. So, what if there are people who do have special ability and are unaware of their powers? If a human with psychic ability can talk to the spirits and see them, why not possess super powers? As it is, all humans are born with different gifts and talents. One can be really good in math, while the other may struggle to just grasp the basics of math. The mental ability, physical endurance, social capability varies from child to child. Each human being is unique. So, why is it hard to believe that there might be mutants among us. Some where there could be a Professor X, a Nightcrawler, a Wolverine, a Colossus or a Storm! 

       On the other hand, I wonder, if some of us do believe that there are mutants among us, are they secretly trying to wipe the homo sapiens? With the rapid growth in technology in recent years, I sometimes suspect, are the mutants using the humans to create the world that they want to live in? How come all the inventions and discoveries are taking place in just a century and that too so rapidly? I have many more questions in my head that sounds crazy today but might be relevant if mutants are there among us.

      Anyways, hoping and praying that homo sapiens prevail I end my ridiculous thought process here.


( Google image picture)

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